Matthias Lüfkens
Particle Accelerator and Social Media Architect
Matthias Lüfkens is the brainchild behind Twiplomacy, a study which looks at how governments and international organizations use digital platforms. Lüfkens leads the Digital network of Burson-Marsteller across EMEA, advising a wide range of Fortune 500 companies as well as non-profit organisations on the use of social media.Before joining the PR firm he was Head of Digital Media at the World Economic Forum (WEF) where he designed and implemented the highly successful digital strategy, opening the Davos meeting to a global audience on social media.Previously a journalist, he was Baltic States correspondent for Agence France Presse, Libération and the Daily Telegraph in the early nineties. In Vilnius he also founded In Your Pocket, an English language city guide series which has become Europe’s leading provider of city information.