Lisa Schneider

Lisa Schneider

Chief digital officer and publisher


Lisa Schneider is the chief digital officer and publisher at Merriam-Webster, where she leads digital strategy and execution across content and product development, user experience and technology. She has redefined the dictionary for the digital age through a combination of technology upgrades and content/social strategy, changing people’s perception of the brand from a “dusty book on the shelf” to a timely, relevant resource and commentary users turn to every day. Under her leadership, Merriam-Webster has won numerous awards, and Schneider was recently featured on the AdAge Creativity 50 and the Folio: Top Women in Media lists. You can follow Merriam-Webster on Twitter @MerriamWebster. Previously, Schneider held executive roles in digital strategy and product development at Penton, Budget TravelReader’s Digest and Bridal Guide.

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